Sunday, March 10, 2013


I've always been one to have a bit of a control idol when it comes to my future; although friends & family may say a bit is the wrong adjective. The irony is that I am in the least bit in control & I am learning truth in this lesson on a daily basis, hallelujah!

After hours & hours of studying, dedication & even having to re-take some classes from back in my days at BU that didn't make the cut, I landed one of the 18 spots in the dental hygiene program at ACC. There have been tears, laughter, & maybe even some pokes & prods that my patients can vouch for ;D. Although at times it has been hard to still be considered a student, I can't imagine it any other way. We have managed & at times struggled on one income. Friends & family all around us are starting families, buying houses, & moving up in their careers. Although I rejoice in their lives & their seasons, I am embracing the fact that our family & our seasons are orchestrated by our Lord.

A few years back if I was in the position I am in now, I would have been frantic. Verses like Romans 8:28 & Jeremiah 29:11, which some of us know by heart & find so comforting, have become more applicable & allow me to fully trust in Him, His plans & His desires. Come May, the Schwoch family has more than a handful of question marks &, I by the power of Christ, can fully say "I’m okay with it." My confidence rests in the fact that before I was born, yet alone married the Lord knew my every detail & plan.

Instead of living in the "what if world" I am recognizing the fact that He predestined me to Austin, school, & who I would live life with. So instead of looking into the summer ahead & wondering where I will work, where we will live, & how we will pay off student loans, etc., I look up & cling to him.  Now on to take my National Boards!