Saturday, August 15, 2015

A fresh season of waiting

Summer 2015 has been beyond good to us. God is so gracious. We spent time soaking up the sun with friends & family & even had the opportunity to travel some. We celebrated 5 years of marriage back in April & had a belated anniversary trip in June to the gorgeous Dominican Republic. It was such a treat after an extremely busy spring on Luke's behalf. This was so much more than a trip, but a time to reflect on our marriage, the highs & lows, the good & bad, the messy, all of it. Hoping that even once we are given the title parents, we carve out time to sneak away on the day we became a family to explore this big world and get some selfish time with each other to recount blessings, shortfalls and encourage one another.

One of the loudest praises that I know without a doubt I can speak to on both of our behalves is the way God has stretched us these past two years our on adoption journey to baby Schwoch. Sounds crazy but boy we are thankful He withholds things from us as children even when all we want is that referral. Have you ever had a time in your life when you wanted something so bad and it just wasn't working out to your perfect plan? Then looking back you can see clear as day that He was protecting & even blessing you by not fulfilling your desires & growing & teaching you more about Himself along the way? In the thick of it, reflecting back to where we first began is such a reminder of His presence and grace through it all. Throughout the scriptures both Old and New Testament we see Him fulfilling promises to His people. Our monthly wait list came towards the end of our trip & was such a gift in the midst of His stunning creation.

A majority of our people if not already having families, are beginning to start families. This is an exciting season most certainly, but feels ages away for us. Yes, we are aware that this is the path we chose, but it doesn't mean it isn't difficult at times. I had an "AHA" moment of pure gratefulness the other day. While by the time our family is complete some may consider us "old parents", our hearts are forever softened to care for the orphan however long that may take. We have been given such a sweet and unique opportunity that is rare for most. That is, to invest in the hearts and lives of so many of our family and friend's littles & I wouldn't change that for the world. Whether it is babysitting so the parents can go on date night or stopping everything for a play date or having the ability to get out of town to celebrate special birthdays it is something so precious to me.


I have mentioned before that Ethiopia experiences a rainy season in the late spring through fall typically from March through October with the summer months being the wettest. Ethiopia receives 90% of their rainfall during these 3 months so all that being said it rains a lot! While the rain is so needed for the crops and well-being in a country that experiences droughts it can put quite a damper on us waiters. Many things just close down completely from the amount of rain. Pray that our hearts don't grow weary or lose hope but that we can celebrate the rain with them and see the big and eternal picture in it all.

A song that we sing often at church keeps popping into my head lately and it has become such a heart song these lyrics...
"When my heart is overwhelmed and I can not hear Your voice, I hold onto what is true, though I can not see. When the storms in life they come, and the road ahead gets steep, I will lift these hands in faith, I will believe."
In the literal and figurative storms pray we all hold on to the truth we confess and know to be true. You are precious for even reading my thoughts. You are wonderful to intercede on our behalf, we feel your prayers. Until next time peeps.


And this...
Because summer we love you and you look cute on my babies but your heat is killin' us Texas folks